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troupeau à la Madone d Utelle

The farm is located in Utelle, 800 m above sea level.

Diversification makes it possible to maintain exploitation on a human scale adapted to our steep and arid territories.

Pastoralism plays a primordial role in the maintenance of space  and biodiversity.

The herd of 350 Merino sheep grazes all year round in the open air between Utelle and la Madone,

only during lambing time does the flock return to the sheepfold, it is fed and supplemented with organic hay and cereals;

in summer the animals go up to the mountain pastures in Sauze, good quality grass and freshness are there,

The largewhite pigs are raised outdoors and fed cereals. without GMOs, their journey under chestnut and oak trees, they take pleasure in scratching snouts to find acorns and chestnuts in season!

Mud is their best ally for refreshing and cleaning!

Poultry  chickens, guinea fowl, laying hens are raised fully fed with non-GMO cereals, the range 

allow poultry to live in complete freedom, grass, worms, stones complete their needs,

The layers are supplemented with sunflower seeds, a food rich in omega 3

The chicks arrive at the farm at 1 day old to grow until around 100 days old.  and more, the strain is slow-growing, which gives beautiful, robust and disease-resistant chickens, 

Grass-fed rabbits; cereals and hay Organic ,

The vegetable garden is cultivated without fertilizers or chemical pesticides; Contribution of manure from our sheep; ,

 Auxiliary plants or larvae used against pests


The cultivation of aromatics and wild harvests, for the production of infusions; and Culinary aromatics; Candied 


Wild Lavender is picked at the  hand and sickle through the pastures; it is never irrigated just the rain  which gives this rich and concentrated oil during distillation in an Alembic

The processing of products on the farm takes place in the workshop for cutting; Packaging, labeling pork and lamb as well as making our sausages, and dried cold meats, pâtés

The Autoclave Workshop allows us to offer sterilized products and longer shelf life.

The Manufacture of Flavored Wines and Herbal Aperitifs; leaves or wild flowers, the Macerats are produced and bottled on the farm,



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